Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Boomer Fitness

I want to preface this by saying that I am NOT a baby boomer!  However I am close to that generation, and as the owner of a business that is directly related to peoples health and wellness, I am keenly aware that the needs of that particular generation are beginning to shape so much of how everyone views health care, fitness, wellness, nutrition, etc...  For the first time the number of people age 50 and over, will outnumber those 18 and younger in the US.  Our society demographics are rapidly changing and with that so is our focus on how to maintain health and fitness as we age.

It has long been publicized that we need to exercise.  That all started back in the 80's at the Cooper Institute in Texas.  And over the course of the last 30+ years much debate has been sparked regarding, exactly HOW we should exercise.  There is much disagreement over such things as long slow cardio to burn fat vs. higher intensity shorter duration.  Should weight lifting be a part of a fitness routine for everyone?  Should I stretch before or after a workout?  Or do I need to stretch at all?  And some of the biggest controversy surrounds nutrition.  I can't tell you how many billions of dollars are spent every year by people looking for that magic pill, that allows them to lose weight easily.  Diets, supplements, juices...all are marketed as the next big fix!

I am here today to tell you despite my personal reluctance to admit that I needed to change or do things different as I move farther away from 18, and much closer to 50, I have in fact made some changes.  With fantastic results!  Unfortunately as our bodies get older, OUR BODIES GET OLDER!  And not to make it too simple but as your car gets older you have to do more things for it!  The first 3 years I drive my new VW GTI I only have to change the oil every year or 10,000 miles.  After that my maintenance becomes much more regular and the intervals between much shorter.  Just like cars, as we get older we must do more to keep our bodies in tip top shape.  Things like stretching!  I cringe even writing that, because for years I held onto the belief that I didn't need to stretch.  I could do what I wanted and, if I might say so, quite well.  So why waste time stretching.  Well....because after 40+ years of the same repetitive motions as a runner, and the same strength program, but muscles became less pliable.  Much more rigid and inflexible.  And what do you know....they are attached to other parts of my body and when the muscles don't move so well, then the other parts don't move so well.  A leads to B which eventually leads to Z.  Tight muscles led to inflexible joints which led to irritated nerves and tendons, and what do you know.....pain!  For two (no really 10 years) now I have been dealing with hamstring and low back issues that I just attributed to lots of miles.  Part of the side effect of being an OCD distance runner.  Finally last spring I was forced to take 2 1/2 months off from running due to pain.  Even after I got back to running I fell right back into old patterns.  It wasn't until I committed to running my first marathon in 11 years in honor of my Dad that I realized maybe it was time to "train smarter, not harder"!  Now don't get me wrong I still am not perfect and probably run too many miles and don't do enough stretching and cross training.  But for the first time in 11 years I am running relatively pain free due to a very simple 10 minute Yoga routine a good friend of mine showed me.  Gone was my excuse that I didn't have time....I spend at least 10 minutes a day on Facebook (you probably do to), so I could easily find 10 minutes to focus on my health.  Within days I started to notice a difference.  And now 3 days away from the Chicago Marathon I am a "changed man"!  I strongly encourage all runners, all athletes, all people to remember to stretch.  To spend quality time working on maintaining your bodies natural range of motion within all of its joints.  To maintain pliability in your muscles and tendons so you don't end up with pain.  It doesn't take isn't glamorous, but it will keep you healthy.

I have learned a few other things too.....stay tuned.  None of it earth shattering, but all very insightful!  Until next time.....remember this definition from Albert Einstein: " insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results".  Try something new if what  you are doing is no longer working for you!  And know that as you get older, what you are doing today WILL NOT continue to work for you forever :)

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